Comments : My addiction

  • 11 years ago

    by xxOutcastQueenxx

    Wow. This poem is amazing. I just wanted to say your not alone.

  • 11 years ago

    by Beautiful Soul

    This is... full of of sadness that leads to put it all out here. I like how you worded it through out the whole thing. In the start you seem to have hope and happiness. I think if you have an addiction whatever it is it's hard to remember what it's truly like to be happy. It's easy to fake a smile on the outside. In the end we don't want people to know what we have inside. Even if our closest friends see it we still have to fake it. We are always afraid to hear what our friends will say. I agree with that line. I like how you said the darkness below as well because it's like you are saying you are at rock bottom. Now the whole poem I feel tells a real story about addiction. I love the flow you used and wording as well because I think a lot of people can relate. It seems you made it very personal and it works well because it makes for a better poem as a whole. The imagery is deep and I could feel the pain of the character who cuts. I also like how you make this person the focus throughout. Point of view is always great to use to make the reader connect to it more. The rhyming is great as well and consistent which is a plus. I love the ending because it wraps the poem up Well. You are saying in order to survive you must self harm and it's sad but a lot of people think like this. Anyway. This is a great poem overall. I saw no mistakes and the stanzas flow so smoothly. 5