Comments : Braille

  • 11 years ago

    by Redangelwings

    First- I love the sensual feeling you start out with here. The word chatoyant is excellent though I had to look it up haha. I can see the whole picture in my head. In my opinion this women is making herself beautiful and it might be rare for her. Then I cam see this as a first date or they are already in love :). Anyway the imagery here is amazing as is the wording. I love how you say it seems like the guy is kissing the shoulder of the girl. The build up is excellent too. ;).

    Second- I love the use of Chanel which is perfume I believe not quite sure lol. I love the lead up to the ending too. It definitely seems they are on a date and when it's over It's just the start of the night. Berry lips is very unique though. The ending is amazing too. We all know where it would lead and I love the way you ended it too. I loved how you made it classy in a way with the metaphors you used. The sunrise with a goodnight kiss is sensual and romantic. Any way this poem overall I feel like is yiur best in a long time because of the wording and flow throughout. Each line connects so well and I love how you make each stanza a story. Great work. Wish I could nominate. Xx

  • 11 years ago

    by David Amenger

    Simply classic.Nice piece.

  • 11 years ago

    by Lemon

    This is just beautiful, you are brilliant at describing things in such unique ways. The metaphors are just fabulous!

    My only gripe is that "and he foreseen that
    once the final bite of" I believe should be "and he foresaw that..."

    But otherwise a wonderful write, one that I think you could potentially enter in that contest you were talking about :)