Choose Your Death Wisely (Line Message)

by Larry Chamberlin   Nov 18, 2013

When uncovered on field of battle
it's hard not to focus on just getting
out with the bones and skin intact.
Winning must be more than surviving.

Reaching beyond the bombs,
I must stretch myself to imagine
making a war-zone broadcast.
It must convey the stark message

that in this arena many combatants
will not live to stand and fight
but will die sudden and untested,
never to match swords with me

because they cross trip wires or
step on hidden mines. Caution!
Come find a hero's honorable death
or face an ignoble obliteration.

Chelsey contest challenge

*"Line Messaging is a poetry form created by Angel Favazza is a poetic form wherein the poet utilizes the last line of each stanza to help represent an overall idea. So if the last line of each stanza is read together (separately from the poem) it will have an independent message or be a poem all on its own."


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  • 11 years ago

    by X Harlea X

    You know, I've read a few line messaging poems that didn't make sense, but this one does. This is a really great piece with a powerful message ( that came off to me as powerful. ) great job!

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