Comments : Work in a box

  • 11 years ago

    by Mahal Ko Kuya Ko

    Haha ... This poem is cool :)

    Here I sit in this tiny office,
    Alone and bored but always mounds of work to do,
    High tiny windows up out of reach let in what's left of the afternoon sun,
    From here I do not leave until my work is done.

    --- I am still studying so I don't know how it feels to be working... But I know it is much boring than attending school... When boredom strikes you tend to notice the smallest of things...

    Sitting, staring at the computer screen,
    My eyes start to hurt and my head begins to ache,
    Caffeine is needed to the extent of ten coffees a day,
    I do all I can to keep my caged frustration at bay.

    --- Yeah... Working is really tiring... I love the specificity of how many coffee you drink to stay awake while working and the feeling of tiredness in this part.

    Through those windows I see the day,
    Rain or shine though mostly rain,
    To see a bird or someone tending the gutters is rare,
    Mostly I'll watch the clouds roll in wishing I was out in the fresh air

    --- I imagine someone who is working looking outside the window as if she/he is wishing to be outside and enjoying the day.

    But this is my job and this is what I do,
    I just want something to break the cage, wouldn't you?

    --- It's true... everyone needs to work to make ends meet... but sometime, you also need to kill the boredom before it kills you... you need motivation...It will help you become more productive.

    I enjoyed the read... I love the feel of the poem and the feeling of boredom it contains... I love the conclusion in the last part. 5/5

    --- MKKK

  • 11 years ago

    by Jack Nightengale

    Wow! Nice poem! After a while caffeine won't affect you at all. Nicely written!

  • 11 years ago

    by Beautiful Soul

    I like how you said in the first stanza that you are bored and since it is your work that you do it I everyday. So I loved the imagery though it is simple. I can imagine a person just sitting there in a box so to speak doing nothing. But if there is work to be done it's really boring. I like the use of the window. That plays in nicely here. You want to escape and the window is a little taste of a freedom you cannot have. That made me smile. Coffee it seems is the only thing that will wake you up here and it doesn't seem like you have had it yet. So to me maybe it's still early in the morning but it feels like it's draging on forever. The use of rain also made me smile. I think you are using a metaphor for sadness but just my opinion. You are getting lost in the fantasy of being outside and even though it might be raining anything is better than being at work. I loved the question you asked the readers at the end. It shows me you wanted the reader to walj a day in their shoes. Overall this is a very unique write that can be based on a lot of people.

  • 11 years ago

    by Ole Carsten

    Once I walked in New York, women are different there.
    Resting in them self, walking with a mobile earplug talking to invisble persons, one hand holding the iPad the other a Coffe to go.
    Maybe the broke out of your poem?

  • 11 years ago

    by Midnight Sky

    Lovely job keep it up

  • 11 years ago

    by Darren

    I have been here a few times,
    stuck in a job, watching as minutes take hours to pass and a day feels like a week.

    I like how you yearn for something as simple as somebody tending their guttering, or a bird or just anything!!

    Yes life can be a cage, but how do those lucky few live without restriction?

    nice poem.

  • 10 years ago

    by Marvellous

    Thick is the door, to store of gold. Life is easy, but real busy. Nothing good, answers speedily. Who must win, has learned to endure..