Love Truly

by Blood of a Lion   Nov 19, 2013

Deep inside the feeling stirs,
Within the flame does rise,
Among a dead forest a mere sapling grows,
Slowly ascending to the heavens year by year,
Its strength becoming more than that of a mere sapling.

So does love so truly grow,
Not instantly,
But slowly with the eagerness of time.

The trust, the emotional bond,
For so it overwhelms the lust,
The desire not of the flesh,
But of the desire to comfort ones love.

That is love truly.
Not what the eyes see,
For what the eyes do see is nothing but wrinkles,
Yet the heart remembers the love of ones youth,
The beauty that dwells within thy soul I do cherish.

Your smile, creased it may be,
Yet it sparkles in your eyes,
Touching and fertilizing thy love,
Love truly, is not of the eyes,
Nor of the desire for the flesh,
Love truly is the desire for the other,
For their smile,
For their touch,
For their comfort.

All truly is love so defined,
You touch the core of thy heart,
Touching even the darkest inclination of me,
And swallow it whole,
Not telling me to change

Love truly,
For sooth there is no better gain than the comfort of ones love,
But love not for the flesh,
Surely you know that flesh is only short lived,
Sixty or seventy is our number,
Yet love; love truly is eternal.

C) A.D 11-19-2013

For myself


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  • 11 years ago

    by Midnight Sky

    Cool neat awesome what else can i say loved it :)

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