Please Don't Kill My Vibe

by Jack Nightengale   Nov 24, 2013

Smokin and drinkin again,
Guess that makes me a sinner then.
Going through memories I no longer want to keep,
Tossing aside the ones that make me cry myself to sleep.

Alone again and I got nothing to say,
I just have to ask why is that you won't go away.
You have happiness and I have misery,
I was blind but it's clear now and I can finally see.

You call me up just say hi,
My only words are simply goodbye.
I'm relaxed on a level I can't describe,
So please, don't kill my vibe!


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  • Another amazing one very strong most people wish they could say goodbye to someone who cause them pain I loved it great job :)

  • 11 years ago


    Man I wish I was strong enough to say goodbye :/ you obviously know how much this hit home. I love it

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