Comments : Every Shade of Pink

  • 11 years ago

    by Beautiful Soul

    Okay this is a truly beautiful start of a poem dashiel. I loved the imagery you show inside the first stanza. You bring such a simple thing to life and used the compare well. The flower is such a simple thing but you make it shine with it's beauty through your words. I loved the windmill as well because it is not really used in poetry much but you did well. I love the second stanza as well. The wording is outstanding here. You say that pink is not just another colour but part of the flowers heart and soul. The use of eyes and the way you describe them is breathtaking to me. You did so well through the first five stanzas.

    I love how you say you write about the smiles and compare the flowers to this persons beauty. I loved the imagery. You made me smile as well. I love how you can make your pen dance through such simple words. I like how you went back to the windmill and I think you say that even though it's not working or is rusty there is something about it. Maybe the heart is compared to the flower. I believe what you are saying overall that you write from your heart even though sometimes it hurts and is not always beautiful. I loved this poem in general. Because I feel like it tells a beautiful story. Well done.