Comments : Racing Stripes (Fable)

  • 11 years ago

    by Beautiful Soul

    This poem made me smile for a lot of reasons. I loved the imagery you used in the first stanza. The build up is lovely to the story. I feel like the story as a whole is sad because the zebra is being judged because they are different. I loved the connection to a lot of people in real life because a lot of people do feel different then everyone else but that doesn't mean they are any less kind. I loved how you brought the characters to life here. The zebra feeling sad and the horses being a "bully". The zebra doesn't really say anything and lets the race do the talking. The title is perfect as well because of the story :). Now overall I loved the story again. You take us on an emotional ride. At the start you feel sad because the "hero" is being bullied but at the end you are happy because they won :). Well done