Comments : An imprisoned life

  • 11 years ago

    by Bonaventure Onuabuchi

    Nice one there! Love the way each words describe that you are sad for the passing away of a hero! But I do think that you try another title for the poem. You know; when you say "an Imprisoned life" it's like you're talking of the Man's life in chain i.e when he's not yet a freeman. But what I read from the poem shows that your major theme is about his death and not his life time; though you made a point about his life time in few lines... But I can feel the theme of grieving loss from the piece, so I'll like if you think of a title that arouses not just sympathy, but also the feeling of losing a great hero. And again, the category you put the work don't merit it, you should edit to the category of "sad poems" and sub-category should be "grieving loss"........ Nice writing I say again; keep the pen bleeding.