I call it by your name

by Chelsey   Dec 22, 2013

It does things to people.
For instance, tonight, as it hits against the side panel of my house,
it reminds me of sounds I love. It took me back to when my
ear drums were a cathedral for your laughter to echo in. To the
whispers we used, to hide how symphonic our love actually was -
from those who judged us. From those who disagreed with our
taste in...melody.

And see this rain, well it awakens these thoughts
(like Red Bull to a lethargic mind)
now I'm energized to put you to rhyme.

It's been months, years, and everyone says to me now
"You want a romance that Hollywood has in their film wheel,
that Barnes and Noble carries in paperback or hard cover"
But they've got it all wrong, even fiction is boring,
we were nothing but a Topanga and Corey.
I mean really, who desires a high school love story?

I do.

I desire that innocence, that passion for sneaking out late
because sleep was not a necessity, it was an option.
We opted out, traded a rest for the 185th kiss, to celebrate
that 5 week anniversary mark when midnight struck. Back
then we had love wrapped around our ring finger, because
we promised, we swore, that no matter what happened, we
were meant to be, defining eternity, love you from here to infinity.

No one ever understood. No one knew how I could defend such
a relationship where fighting was something we penciled in our
planner, where heartbreak and teary eyes were an amusement
park for sadness, but I loved you. You were the country I'd die for,
the one I was proud to represent, the location I wanted to spend
the rest of my life.

Such a funny thing, rain. I call it by your name,
You're one in the same and I can't complain because
at least I can feel you, hear you, see you; my non sunny
days aren't so dreary at all.

I've come to find that choosing to leave you was only
to let you grow up, to catch up, to make up a life for yourself
without the distraction of me. But we are older and my schedule
is only open for loving you just how I always have. Like I never stopped.

Rain, it gives people a reason to contemplate choices, and I
don't regret letting you go, only letting you know, that it was over.
I should have defined what I meant, that it was over for that stage
in life, that 5 years down the road, I'd still daydream about being your wife.

Such a funny thing, rain. I call it by your name,
You're one in the same and I can't complain because
at least I can feel you, hear you, see you; my non sunny
days aren't so dreary at all.


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  • 10 years ago

    by DirtRoadGirl

    I absolutely adored this... Its so heart breaking and beautiful all at once.

  • 11 years ago

    by Unknown

    I've taken forever to comment on this, ugh.. I'm such a procrastinator. But I just read this all over again and it gave me chills! I can relate so freaking much to this because I'm with my high school sweetheart and it just took me back to those times of innocent love.

    I'm so glad that you shared your recitation of this, it gives it more power and emotion! You are so great with reading your emotions, you can feel every inch of love and that touch of sadness in your voice, that longing... it's absolutely stunning!

    I can't just pinpoint one single thing I love about this, I would just be repeating myself. I honestly think this is one of your absolute best poems and you should be very proud of it. I will be adding it to my favorites and will read it time and time again when I need a trip down memory lane.

  • 11 years ago

    by The Poet Behind The Poems

    Absolutely the best you have ever written plus maybe the best I've ever heard... I listened to it before I read it and I really enjoyed it, I also wondered if you wrote it the way you were reciting... Because it was so diffrent to your normal style, but it was and that really surprised me , it seems to be more then just a quick write it seemed to be emotionally and written with such delicacy and time. So I took the time to read it slowly and a few times to really sink my teeth into this , your descriptions about your emotions were amazing , but the rain verse just sent electric round my heart deep to my soul , something you can , see touch call basically to prove that it's real , rain to say its name to feel to see to live among ... Chelsey , unbelievable

  • 11 years ago

    by LoVerSLaND

    Really nice & different 5/5

  • 11 years ago

    by Andrew Packard

    Really good! Deserves another 5 from me...