
by Narph   Dec 23, 2013

Partly because I couldn't be drawn to care,
and partly because my bed is warm
I didn't go to class today.
Forgive me.
I awoke to warm sweat between my toes,
a languid sweetness of body that conjured rest,
that forbade the stark intensity of sky, and wind, and winter.
The frozen grass by my doorstep was impenetrable,
the squirrels and birds, those malignant
demons of sound, couldn't rouse me from my nest.
Forgive me.
I am comfortably timid and bent in silent reverie,
I am weak and easily swayed
by the will of blankets.


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  • 11 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    Judging comment:

    I love the uniqueness of this poem! From the title, I certainly didn't expect to be reading something like this, and that was such a pleasant surprise.

    What I love about Narph's work is how she can take the most random of things and turn it into such a lovely piece of art. Each and every time I think she can't get any better she surprises me with a new poem, and I adore how she takes inspiration from things most people would never even consider turning into poetry.

    The imagery you create here is lovely, and I believe on those cold winter mornings we can all relate to this-we want nothing more than to stay nice and cozy and do nothing productive, and you manage to phrase this in an elegant way instead of just simply stating it in a single sentence.


  • 11 years ago

    by Britt

    Judging comments:

    You just described every single morning of my life. I love how well you expressed something I feel every morning - it's just too cold to do anything but sleep under those warm, cozy blankets. Such description and reality here. Love it!