Comments : Derelict

  • 11 years ago

    by Britt

    Judging comments:

    You just described every single morning of my life. I love how well you expressed something I feel every morning - it's just too cold to do anything but sleep under those warm, cozy blankets. Such description and reality here. Love it!

  • 11 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    Judging comment:

    I love the uniqueness of this poem! From the title, I certainly didn't expect to be reading something like this, and that was such a pleasant surprise.

    What I love about Narph's work is how she can take the most random of things and turn it into such a lovely piece of art. Each and every time I think she can't get any better she surprises me with a new poem, and I adore how she takes inspiration from things most people would never even consider turning into poetry.

    The imagery you create here is lovely, and I believe on those cold winter mornings we can all relate to this-we want nothing more than to stay nice and cozy and do nothing productive, and you manage to phrase this in an elegant way instead of just simply stating it in a single sentence.
