Comments : Social media

  • 11 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    I love that opening line! It is blunt and very direct as things on Facebook can be. I know there are some people who get personal or rant on Facebook, I'm guilty of that too.... A status can also be an inside joke or something vague that no one else will fully understand.

    The significance of the wool is wonderful.... how you have that connection with it, with the memory of this person despite the weather and other surroundings. It makes me think of a memorabilia you might have, whether that person gave it to you or it has their presence in it, it does not matter where you take it as long as you carry it with you.

    I definitely feel the darker tone when you elaborate into the other social media sites like Twitter. Especially with the limited words on that site, there is so much left unsaid, that it can cause someone to wonder what tone is meant. Is this person being serious, sarcastic, direct... should I read between the lines?

    What made this piece stand out to me is how you connect with the reader and reveal these moments with this person. How they know "White Christmas" and hot chocolate, all elements of the winter season... yet don't know the real you perhaps. Such depth here as the end leaves me to believe you are afraid to break the barriers of social media with this person because it shows the stark reality. It will show the flaws, the insecurities... I also feel as if you believe you are not good enough for that step, breaking away from the pseudonym and taking on your identity. Can that even be done yet because social media tends to shape us, or are you waiting to shine, knowing how to be yourself?

    Such a neat read, very thoughtful and thank you for sharing. Merry Christmas!

  • 11 years ago

    by BlueJay

    Yes, that Facebook status was meant for you.
    I don't know what we are; perhaps the wool
    that's used for the same sweater,
    except marred on different sleeves.
    But it's usually 40 degrees where you live,
    so there's no need for wool. But I need it
    even if it's not snowing, even when
    I didn't feel anything for you whilst
    the airconditioning kept blowing.

    ^Based on the title I figured Facebook and Twitter would be intergrated in the piece, but I like how you directly mention Facebook in the opening line. I also enjoyed the description of the sweater and the wool to describe life or the relationship you have with this person (I can see it many ways, this is just the one that seems most relevent.) For an opening stanza this is powerful and definitely does the job it should. You pilled me in, you directed the piece at someone while still making it interesting for an audience. Wonderful job

    If it wasn't for the words you threw around
    on Twitter, if I didn't look for you,
    then I wouldn't have discovered the secret
    messages we've been sending each other.

    ^^ somehow I think threw should be throw in the first line, though I could be incorrect. I like how you mention looking, searching and then the unseen moments between the lines. And with social media what is said between those lines can be very powerful without even meaning to be.

    The emotional manipulation.

    ^ I like how you singled this part out. Its also common for social media and relationships. Very strong. Very good idea to make it pop. As well as to enhance the piece.

    You're happier with me than you're supposed to be.
    Don't you see? My heart is an icescape, and
    you're not used to cold weather.

    ^^ I really like this stanza it shows where you stand aas well as the other person and the all we've seen so far is your perspective.

    You know about White Christmas
    and hot chocolate, but
    as everything falls together
    like pixels, you still don't realise
    that it's all a cheap movie,
    like everything about me.

    ^^I love the descriptions and the mention of the cheap movie as well as the holiday and its tradition.

    And it's on days like these,
    that I'm happy to be a poet
    under the guise of a pseudonym.

    ^ Almost any creative artist, poet, musician can relate here. Excellent job, my favorite stanza.

    My ugliness is there
    for all the world to see.
    On a day, you'll know.

    ^^ lovely, stunning, perfect ending.

    All in all I really enjoy this piece. There is creativity, there is emotion, everything a piece needs. Even though it is sort of long the piece flows and the words are simple but unique enough to keep me wanting to read. I'm very glad I kept reading. This piece is wonderful. It is well deserving of its nomination and weekly votes. It is very very well done. and everything said by Poet on the Piano I can agree with. I just was trying not to reiterate and bore you with comments...

  • 11 years ago

    by Sincuna

    Fantastic write. What makes this one special is that it is up to date, a very modern poem that may be read years from now with astonishment and careful study. "so that's how facebook affected the culture, ah twitter does things like that back then."

    good work with the consistency. Congrats on the win, Cynnie!

  • 11 years ago

    by Gwen Davis

    Love the wording...the message was great! I will be reading a lot more of your posts! Nice work!

  • 11 years ago

    by ZinaZonic

    I wont be able to break down your poem and analyse it like others on this website seem to be good at doing, as I am still a novice. But this is amazing.

    Such a good read, Blunt and moving.


  • 11 years ago

    by Britt

    Judging comments:

    Social media allows people to be anonymous, passive aggressive, and vague, which this poem touched based on all three pieces. I love how modern this poem is, as it's relate-able to teens and young adults today, but also holds the emotional frustration that everyone can connect with. I love the use of the metaphors with weather as well, thought poetically it really worked here. In this poem, I see a young girl who doesn't realize how good she truly is, how deserving she is of good things.. so she pushes people away. She wants him to see the "flawed" her so she feels..maybe better about herself, so she can continue being the victim. Very interesting and psychological thought process here!

  • 11 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    Judging comment:

    I'm becoming a huge fan of your writing. You have such a way with words that really allows me to think and feel, and I adore the subtle sarcasm that you placed throughout this poem.

    Your opening line made me smile slightly, so many people are guilty of venting their emotions via social networking sites instead of talking to the person they have an issue, and this often leads to many more problems being created because of other people's involvement, words being taken out of context etc.

    I thought this poem was both apt and wonderfully written but at the same time it creates such melancholic feelings within me-because we are dominated by social media, we do conform to what is expected of us by the media, and it controls a huge part of our lives and most of the time we don't even realize this.

    You managed to take such a personal subject and one that is somewhat overdone and yet turn it into your own piece of unique art. There was never a time I was bored throughout nor a time when I found myself thinking how something had been stated several times before by others, which I often find myself doing with poems of this genre/subject.

    Wonderful and thought provoking write.