Comments : I Wanted To Be A Poet...

  • 11 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    I love the idea of this Jenni! How I'm sure every poet has had the urge to write, sometimes out of the middle of nowhere... and you have so much to say, almost bursting, yet not much comes out. What a profound ending though and it was so sweet. Sometimes it is the simple things we can say that affect others the most. They often get overlooked because they are "tried and tested" but you mean it with your whole heart.

  • 11 years ago

    by Beautiful Soul

    This is a very unique poem I agree. Sometimes it's very hard to get the feelinga you want to out and then you feel sad or empty. Our voice is heard through our words and here you have done such a great job expressing how you feel. I loved this idea as well. There is a tone of tone through of sadness and hints ofwriters block. BBecause the twist at the end is wonderful. Caught me by surprise. No matter the words you say, it seems like I love you are the hardest to say. But once said they have the most impact on anyones life. The simplest of words can have the most meaning and the wording and flow throughout is great. Overall this is heartfelt and the wording is pefect from what you wanted to say. Well done.

  • 11 years ago

    by Everlasting

    I'm a believer that there are cliches that will never be over rated... " I love you" is one of them.

    I'll be honest, I have a sort of pet peeve with poems that are sort of prose that are center aligned. I just feel they look and are easier to read when they are left aligned. On the contrary, I feel there are a few short poems and a few long thin poems that read better when they are center aligned... So I should have just said that I feel this piece will be easier to read if it was left aligned. Nonetheless, I can relate to the feeling of wanting to write but not finding the words to say how we feel. It's an awful feeling, however, I thought in your case, you knew exactly what you wanted to say except tht you wanted to be original and unique. I think thinking too much can create writers block. But just saying how one feels without thinking it too much may help be a little more original. I guess. Words just roll out on their own. But yeah, sometimes we have to think before we speak, yet I wonder sometimes, why think to too much how to tell someone how we feel... in the case of loving someone... who love us back? per se...

    I love you coupled with actions that show the meaning of the word... will do.

    Ah before I forget

    "" I get an urge to write, where my entire
    being silently screams out for paper and
    the release of written words, where I crave
    the release and the opportunity to stream
    every part of my being onto lined paper,
    creating flowing words that spill
    effortlessly from my pen..."

    ^^ this stanza sounds like its missing something, I would change "creating" into creates. That way the verb creates will be link to " the release" ---" the release .. creates flowing words" etc and your thought will sound complete.

    Edit: I re-read it once more hehe now the "creating" makes sense. I didnt pay much attention to the commas.. I first thought it was something like this

    "" sometimes, I get an urge to write where my entire
    being silently screams out for paper, and
    the release of written words - where I crave
    release and opportunity to stream
    every part of my being onto lined paper,
    creates flowing words that spill
    effortlessly from my pen..."

    So never mind, I love the ending by the way.