I really don't know what I can say that will do justice to this, but here's my attempt!
LOVE that first verse. The fact you mention you're holding a moonless night makes me think that the night sky is clear but your emotions are not (hence the night) And because you don't have anyone watching you, you're feeling alone and unwanted, unsure of how to move forward and clear up those emotions.
Your next two lines reinforce my thoughts, because now it's almost like you're saying your eyes are dark and heavy from the negative emotions you are feeling.
I love the mention of the hat being worn so you could cover your face and how you couldn't make your boots lighter-you couldn't but perhaps you wanted to, so you were even more 'invisible' to others?
Your fourth verse moved me immensely...I can picture you sitting there alone, almost frozen to the bone but unable to move because you're weighed down figuratively, your hat still covering you from any potential passers by-maybe hiding the tears on your face?
I'm surprised midway through this verse as up until now I had been assuming it was you hurting for reasons as of yet unknown, but now you suddenly insinuate you want to tell somebody something but are afraid of hurting them with your words-nice twist.
"tears of rage" Love this! You have such a unique flair in your writing style, from what I've read so far I would assume you were crying because of hurt and not anger, which adds another twist.
"You must seek the horizon ahead for
there can be a new beginning at any moment.
It doesn't have to be New Year's Eve "
Hands down my favourite part. So many people focus on new year resolutions, on making their life better at the start of the new year...but why? If you truly want it, you will change your life immediately no matter what day it is.
"just to realize how much your tears need
to be seen by the light."
I adore this part too. Too often we hide our tears but in reality, we need to stop hiding them and start letting them be sown. It's not weakness; it's human nature and much better for each individual emotionally and for their emotional health.
I'm in awe at this...once again you have taken a topic and turned it into something truly beautiful and moving. Love it!