Comments : The Real Meaning of Janurary Frost

  • 11 years ago

    by Beautiful Soul

    I believe here the message is simple. This person who it seems to be far away from you and now it seems like there is a chill in your soul. I loved the imagery overall and this I think is a lot better then a lot of your recent poems. I think you can always tell when a person is becoming distant from you and I feel like you did a great job describing that. We always feel lost without that one person in our lives. I love the characters personality as well. You always put a hint of sadness through each of them. That gives a real perspective that hints to personal lives. You did a great job overall I think. I loved the title as well because it incorporaties astory within the ppoem. Well done.

  • 11 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Speechless...utterly speechless.

    This is so the writing I missed from you. That small hint of repetition, touch of rhyme, deep detailed metaphors and wording, unique in your writing.

    I love this. I can't leave a long comment, I just can't.

    • 11 years ago

      by JaneDoeWrites

      Thank you Chels! Yes, it's been a while since I've put out any of my true writing but finally getting back into the flow of things. Thank you girl!

  • 10 years ago

    by Narph

    Judging Comment:

    This poem is beautiful. What I like the most is that while this piece delivers the poet's usual jaw dropping imagery, ("your thoughts were slicing the atmosphere in two fiery halves, and set imagination to fire so we could dance in the ash.")she's also incorporated a subtle rhyme throughout and mixed her intricate descriptions with what I would call refrains.

    "Yeah, I believe you heard me loud and clear, I miss you here... I need you here." I love how this brings the reader back to you, back to the person behind all of the complicated imagery. It lets the poem breathe, and traps the reader in the gentle ebb and flow that this poem has to offer. This is truly an epic poem. It reminds me so much of a song, it's so lyrical. Well done!

    **Side note: I think I just noticed the title is spelled wrong? Janurary should be January, unless I've been reading it wrong this whole time. :)

  • 2 years ago

    by William Mae

    Beautiful and beautifully written.