Beautiful Stranger

by Ren   Jan 10, 2014

Oh, Beautiful Stranger...
Standing outside the door,
With your trembling knees so weak,
Bringing you to the floor.

You clasp your shaking hands,
Across your heaving breast,
With a sad whimper and sob,
Escaping from your chest.

Your distant eyes so focused,
Your tearing lips so thin,
Oh, Beautiful Stranger...
Will you ever smile again?

Eyes that never seem to brighten,
Tears that never seem to end,
Oh, Beautiful Stranger...
Will your breaking heart ever mend?

You mumble to yourself,
As if in a trance,
Oh, Beautiful Stranger...
Will you not take a stance?

Your eyes narrow so dangerously,
Your nostrils flit and flare,
You bite erratically at your nails,
Sucking your cigarette without a care.

You blow the bitter smoke,
Towards the darkening sky,
Oh, Beautiful Stranger...
Will you not at least try?

Your pale arms are laden,
With so much misuse,
Why, Oh, Beautiful Stranger...
Do you take on such abuse?

Purple and blue,
Scar after scar,
Oh, Beautiful Stranger...
Have you taken it too far?

Your wrists are mangled,
Your heart must be, too,
Oh, Beautiful Stranger...
Will you not tell the truth?

At the bottom of every bottle,
Down to every last drop,
Oh, Beautiful Stranger...
When will it all stop?

Your horrid cries are piercing,
Your sobs and screams so haunting,
Oh, Beautiful Stranger...
Your sad life is too daunting.

If I could reach out a hand,
And take yours in mine,
Oh, Beautiful Stranger...
Would that buy you more time?

Through this broken glass,
I watch and I stare,
As you look right through me,
Pulling at your hair.

You mumble incoherently,
And narrow your eyes in anger,
Do you not recognize me,
Oh, Beautiful Stranger?

I don't think you recall,
A time that use to be,
When you and I would smile,
When you and I were happy.

But things have changed,
And your world has grown dark,
Now you seem so lost,
The hatred has left its mark.

But I will not leave,
I will stay by your side,
Oh, Beautiful Stranger...
Please do not cry.

Your eyes suddenly open,
And you glance over my way,
Oh, Beautiful Stranger...
Will you not stay?

Your blue eyes swim with fear,
Your lips tremble and moan,
Oh, Beautiful Stranger...
You are not alone.

Without a single word,
You take a mighty stride,
Oh, Beautiful Stranger...
Must you go inside?

My eyes watch you go,
And you turn out the light,
Oh, Beautiful Stranger...
I bid you goodnight.

And when the moon rises again,
Mimicking your sorrow,
Oh, Beautiful Stranger...
I will wait for you tomorrow.

Your loyal friend,
Your fading complexion,
A distorted image,
Of your dying reflection.


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Latest Comments

  • 7 years ago

    by Milly Hayward

    Fabulous, a wonderful piece, rhyming and imagery couldn't be better. Great job x

    • 7 years ago

      by Ren

      Thank you so very much!! :)

  • 7 years ago

    by Hope

    I feel the wonderment of this poem for the stranger from afar, great piece. Love it!

    • 7 years ago

      by Ren

      Thank you so much!! :)

  • 7 years ago

    by mossgirl19

    Dear Cowgirl, what a beautiful, excellent piece! First of all, the title is brilliant, and the message of the poem kills me. The flow is absolutely beautiful and I must agree with Alec, not forced, but all the emotions just seem to tumble out with the unfolding of every line! Agree with Frank totally, this is like reading a symphony! Wow may fall short to describe how amazed I am of your talent. I am not only impressed, I appreciate you even more. Added to favorites!

    Much love, Lady Mel Liz.

    • 7 years ago

      by Ren

      Dearest Lady Mel Liz, you are too kind!! I truly appreciate your beautiful words!! I'm glad you enjoyed this piece, and I appreciate you so much!! Thanks again! Much love to you!! :)

  • 7 years ago

    by Alec

    Wow. There is a lot of emotion here! It flows well which you don't see often with rhyming poems... none of it seems forced, or interferes with your story. Love it!

    • 7 years ago

      by Ren

      Thank you so much!! I really appreciate you taking the time to read and comment :)

  • 7 years ago

    by Brenda

    Ren, I really liked this a lot. I was totally engrossed the entire read. Really nice rhyming through out. Wasn't sure if this stranger was there to harm you or just make an appearance in your life. Well done!

    • 7 years ago

      by Ren

      Thank you so much Brenda!! I really appreciate you taking the time to read and comment :)

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