Comments : Snow (Pleiades)

  • 11 years ago

    by Everlasting

    Meena, you described the snow very well. I actually didn't noticed the S at the start of each line, that must have been a challenge yet it was well done. I enjoyed it.

  • 11 years ago

    by Narph

    Ooh, that's a clever form! I like that it forces the writer to use alliteration without going overboard. You have some very nice word choice here. I especially like "sinless crystal" and "sculpting purity".

  • 11 years ago

    by Ray Blue

    ~ Enchanting! Nice line: "sinless crystal tears fall" 5/5!

  • 11 years ago

    by Sincuna

    I really liked the effort to bring something as special as snow into life. It is a rare kind of entity that is material to the other half of the world and I believe you managed to portray it in a concrete and understanding sense... however there are parts that could confuse an imaginative mind and this is due to the overcrowding of descriptions used... for example:

    Scent of crisp air
    sings far and wide
    ^ there is scent, there is a sense of touch or texture (crisp) and now also sound (sings) and shape (wide)... all of these description are too imaginitve and a bit forced. Imaginative because the reader was not given any hint of the scent, is it the scent of swamp? Scent of old newspaper? Scent of a freezer?. Crisp air can be pictured due to the blocks of snow but I'm not sure crisp goes well in it's usage here. Why singing though? I believe it is the wind that sings with the dancing snow, and not the snow singing as it dances in the wind?

    "snow angles " - should this be "angels"

    "play music of
    silent white rain"
    ^ hard to form the imagery as well here because of playing of music of something which is silent because either too abstract or redundant

    "sinless crystal tears fall"
    ^ why sinless? The adjectives tells a story, possibly about innocence of nature or of the like, but this was brought in the picture suddenly. Could work without the tears because it gave nature a one-sided personality. (That it is both in despair and innocent)

    "sculpting purity upon nature
    securely blanketing the world."
    ^ Nice ending though, I like the word sculpt here, it fits nicely with snow and the overall topic of the poem.

    Good work here and a wonderful try on such a challenging form. :)

  • 11 years ago

    by Mahal Ko Kuya Ko

    The descriptions of snow are very vivid and I love the form... Well done... 5/5

    --- MKKK

  • 11 years ago

    by Amreen

    Awesome! Sorry I haven't been active lately but I really cannot miss out on your formed poems. This form is indeed new to me and I see how perfectly have you incorporated a beautiful picture within it. I really applaud your brilliance for painting such a profound picture with this poem.

    Keep writing:)

  • 11 years ago

    by Robert Gardiner

    Superb Write Meena!!!

  • 10 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Wow, this is so beautiful and talented.

    I have never seen this form before, so thank you for introducing that to me. It looks very interesting to attempt, which I might do one day.

    Your wording was beautiful, and I think the 7 lines work really well for the nature tone, the theme blends so well with all your words, and the words with the letter S, seem to fit really well and non cliché words.

    I enjoyed this, and it held a very peaceful tone through out.

    Well done

  • 10 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    Very beautiful written

  • 10 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    I admire the Pleiades form! It's small but detailed and Meena is the Lady to make this form shine in all its glory!
    She has brought to life, the beauty of SNOW!
    The feelings of nature are positive and breathtaking and sometimes simplicity and down to earth writing is what is needed to bring the feelings of that beauty to life. Very pretty poem here!