So many tears; nobody 's there.
Consolation and relief, are all worthless lies.
Broken heart; disperses by the wind.
Future hopes; fainting with starvation.
Out of the aboundant of pains; so many tears.
So many tears; nobody knows.
Glimmers of darkness; outshines the light.
Onced a shining gold; has grown dark.
Rhythm of bleeding sorrows; penetrate through the mind.
The flood much for the eyes to retain; so many tears.
So many tears; nobody cares.
Weariness and depression; the closest companion.
Escaped from the mountain on fire; the refuge camp got ablazed.
With a crippled legs; a down bridge to cross.
The journey seems impossible; so many tears.
So many tears; nobody believes.
The body whole in sight; are pieces inside.
On a ruin ship; a dreadful storm rage.
No shore at sight; for the heart on sea.
Hopes worthless to hope on; so many tears.
So many tears; the heart couldn't bear.
So many harms; a gentle sleep caused the eyes.
So many tears; falls like the morning dews.
Today died tomorrows' lives.
Solid wound inside; can so many tears heal?
#Dedicated: To the memory of my dad who passed on yesterday; 19/01/2014.