by Baby Rainbow
I am reading on my phone, and commenting, which is just something I never do, however, I find it rather funny that the first poem I read this early in the morning is a poem about being up this early in the morning!! |
by Beautiful Soul
I found this poem very interesting and very unique. Your wording is so great :). This person is up in the morning and through your words you describe them so well. The imagery you give this person is great. I believe what you are saying that even though this person is tired their beauty shines through everything. You crave caffine here and you don't want anyone to disturb you until you have fully waken up. I find it very clever that nothing matters right now until you had coffee. And I loved the last line as well. 9 am seems to be the time where you fully wake up and have to start your day. I loved this Andrea because you take something so simple like the morning and make it a great story! |