My Final Note to You

by X Harlea X   Jan 26, 2014

I'll make this jump with a leap of faith,
Its out of my hands now, all in fate's.
Times are changing and things are dead,
I'll be gone before this gets read.
There's a few things I forgot to say,
Things I'm taking to my grave.
I'm sorry that I'm having to leave so soon,
But I want you to know the best part of me was you.

It's funny how things work out,
All your thoughts, all my doubts.
Nothing turned out as we expected,
Until our feelings were detected.
I never expected to lose you,
Never thought this reality was true.
Until I saw you walking with her,
That she was what you preferred.

That was when I decided to leave,
Not just this world but to fly free.
No more pain or suffering will I go through,
Its time to go, my death tickets due.
I'll always love you even after I'm gone
Wish you the best and live long.
I apologize for leaving but our time is through,
I hope you read my final note to you.


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  • 10 years ago

    by Misundertood

    I'ts deep and true honest and to the point i feel you and your heart speaking here if you ever need someone to talk to i'm here for you

  • 10 years ago

    by Silent Scribbler

    I like the emotions in this one. The writer seems stable. She has excepted the fact that he no longer feels for her. With a calm ssadness she thinks straight and not with rage as she make the decision to leave. I really loved this one. Added to my favorites. :-)

  • 11 years ago

    by Demitri Von Schnutz

    These thoughts are pretty dark. I like the emotion behind it. Keep writing, and keep your head up.