The unhappy clown

by don   Jan 28, 2014

Memories all bad
Crying with them
Dying inside
Distant friends
So far away now
I hide deep within myself
The devil by my side
The dark tide
Of hope
Has deserted me
In my hour of need
No longer free
Chained to a stranger

One that makes me bleed
Makes danger my middle name
Getting tired of the game
Can't face the days
As always
I sit and cry
Just want to die
It hurts, hurts, hurts
There is no cure
Nothing works
So I am lured into the darkness
Where I can be me
But me is such a mess
Bloody and torn
Mind twisted
Born worn

The unhappy clown frowns
Life just gets me down


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  • 11 years ago

    by don

    Ty for your comment, its much apreciated, sometimes the person behind the mask, be it a clown or a devil, can be the opposite to what we think

    take care , and feel free to pm me anytime


  • 11 years ago

    by Everlasting

    The clowns in my head make me laugh sometimes... though in here the clown isn't in the head but one person. Take care.