
by Kakera   Feb 3, 2014

My head has become clockwork
ticking, ticking, ticking,
driving me insane

and I try to smash it to pieces
but you can't kill time

I built castles
out of sand and snow
tearing houses down
to build ivory towers

Disconnected from the outside
hoping these walls won't crumble

The clockwork ticks on
as my patience explodes
and my weak hands
strangle the air that I try to breathe

the filthy smog that
being neighbors with industry brings

When I cast away my cigarette
I watched the embers turn into flames
as the grass beneath my tired feet
started to dance with me

to the tune of madness aching,
this moment of me trying to repeat

And I watch the night sky for the first time
from outside the shroud of city-lights
And I realize how drowned out the ticking is
in the vastness of noise the universe whispers

feeling so small, so insignificant
that I can't help but to laugh

I laugh because
while I panic about the noise inside my own head not ending
there's an entire sea of cacophony out there
promising to crush me some day
like the insect I am


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  • 10 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    This young and talented author has created a poem that truly made my mouth drop to the floor!
    Her impeccable word display was beautiful and flow through out this entire piece!
    There is nothing more frustrating and dark as the mind tricks that are played in our own minds, whether it be depression or an illness, that clock "tick tocks" louder than a freight train.

    Kakera has described that moment well within this poem.
    Her ending says it all... It touched me personally because I have felt many times in my life the very same way.
    She has a gift to mix and match her words so that the reader can feel and visualize each stanza. This is truly a brilliant poem!!

  • 11 years ago

    by Beautiful Soul

    I have read very few poems in a long time that made my jaw drop and this is one. Again I saw no technical flaws. But this poem is magnificent in it's wording. You blew my mind... and that ending. But will get to that. Omg the first two stanzas alone were enough to pull the reader in but your wording is so profound here. I think only one noise can drive us insane. I think here though it is your own thoughts that are doing that very think. When you think about one thing for so long you grow crazy, just like sitting in silence. I loved the inner monologue feeling to this. You build "castles" around your mind to keep it safe but you need someone to save you from yourself. In the middle of the poem I loved the imagery of the cigerette. Brilliant there. I also like the comparison of flame and madness. Though the flame is real, the madness of your mind or flame is much worse. The ending though is perfect. I think what you are saying is that though the problems in your mind are nothing compared to the world. You are just one spec. Brilliant write from a brilliant mind.

  • 11 years ago

    by Midnight Sky

    Love the darkness to this poem loved it

  • 11 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    OMG, this is amazing. Will ad to my favorite and certainly deserve to win the nomination

  • 11 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    This poem leaves me speechless!! I need to nominate this, well written!!

    • 11 years ago

      by Kakera

      Wow! I have to say, -I- am the one who's truly been rendered speechless! I honestly don't know how to truly convey my gratitude, but thank you!

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