Comments : So I shrugged

  • 8 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Hello Kurt

    From my first read of this poem, indeed any of your work I can clearly see you are a knowledgable writer and a person of exceptional depth.

    I like the structure aaa,b, ccc,b, ddd,b, eee,b

    the last line is clever, not only a repeated rhyme, but theme too. It felt like a refrain, or at least a flavour of one. The poem read like a 'day in the life' another day of torment and not so silent ridicule. One of these such days is tolerable, but here we have a multitude of them, a life that to all in tense and purpose is a living nightmare. The question of how to escape this ghost train? Well, to finally sleep holding a human pillow substitute. Here dreams release him from a life of hell, here his dreams come true, until that is he wakes...

    Kurt, I enjoyed this and i hope if it were literal this life is far behind you.

    Take care,


  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Kurt, this is all too relatable for me and it's like a day stuck in a rut of doing and feeling the same things which is probably relatable to many of us here and around the world.

    1/ I loved this opening because no matter what anybody says or does the day starts of the same with a dark cloud above or should I say within your head which can be so hard to comprehend.

    2/ Just wow.. I feel these days that are full of gloom seem to drag but they merge into one so seem to fly by. I also think the friends that stick by are the ones that are worth it abit like if you don't like me at my worst then you don't deserve me at my best or whatever the saying is.

    3/ When trust has been broken time and again it takes its toll because trust takes a lifetime to gain but a moment to break and once broke it's hard to get back unfortunately, I know as I've been three plenty of times and when we are anxious or depressed it feels like people are talking about us especially if it's happened before and it's horrible when it feels like people are talking about us.

    4/ In our times of need (especially when we are on our own) bed can be a life saver.. Many times I have stayed in bed crying until I have no tears left and the sobs resounding of the walls show that you are alone which can add to our dismay and all we need is a hug to help make us feel somewhat human, right?

    5/ Absolutely fantastic ending. When dreams are better than reality it can be a teal nightmare can't it.

    All the best,

  • 8 years ago

    by Brenda

    Kurt, such a sad write and very relatable. Your rhyming throughout is spot on and your visuals were great. I felt your pain-well done-