Dream Of Us

by Dominique Lewis   Feb 4, 2014

Go to sleep my sweet,
Dream a dream of us for me,
I will rest my head on your chest and listen to your heart beat,
No nightmares making you toss and turn like the sea.

Your hand holds mine so tight,
Breath on my neck...no place I rather be,
Being here with you just feels right,
Dream of that day when you went down on one knee.

Mrs. Williamson you say as you kiss my brow,
Smiling up at you with my heart fluttering as fast as a bat's wing,
I will love you forever and this I vow,
As long as you have me...I will wear this ring.


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  • 11 years ago

    by Trinity Heart

    Awwwww sooo sweet my kitten

  • 11 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    This is not a typical love poem. And like beautiful soul said me also I am not a big fan of love poems. This one caught my eye.
    You are proud to wear that ring and you love each other. Beautiful written

  • 11 years ago

    by Beautiful Soul

    I can really feel the love for this person you have. I am not a big fan of love poems but this one is a bit different. I loved the way you worded it. It seems to enfold into a story almost and it could be real. I loved the first staza because no matter what this person is thinking of you and I enjoyed the no nightmare line. When you are in love it seems like nothing can ever hurt you. The second stanza is where you grow simple but you detailed all the small things like holding hands that make love special. Just beinh together makes everything alright and better. The ending is good too. Marriage is almost like the final step to always be with each other. It seems like the story is the past, present and future which I like a lot. Very beautiful wording and story.

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