Your mess

by Julia Helyanwe   Feb 5, 2014

The friction,
between the two of us
like everlasting love,
movement of our bodies
held up against each other.

The warmth,
as you breathe on my face
leaving me with goosebumps.
Our lips, slightly pressed together.

The sudden shattering noise,
you left me with.
The broken read glass,
I had to clean up
the cuts it left
upon my skin
the constant pain
i always felt
just because you
left me to clean up
your mess.

You left me to fix myself.


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  • 11 years ago

    by misty lott

    That was really honest on how you felt i loved it

  • 11 years ago

    by The Writer

    Amazing poem. I've witnessed you grow in front of me. I am honored to be your friend

  • 11 years ago

    by Midnight Sky

    Woooow that is a kicking poem keep it up