Shy Little Girl

by Julia Helyanwe   Feb 5, 2014

That shy little girl,
she always sits alone
Writing in that journal,
mysteries unsolved.
Each day she sits,
In the same place,
Drawing those things
in her journal.
She never eats,
instead she cries
when she reads
whats in that journal.
She never wears long sleeves,
but maybe she'll start
because of that one stupid little journal.
The journal is full,
of what her life is.
That shy little girl,
who's to young to know love,
to young to know pain,
learns it more on
each passing moment
each second that zooms by.
That shy little girl,
might not be that nice
would rather stay alone
and write what's inside.
That shy little girl
who constantly writes,
and draws those weird shapes
would rather die,
than live life
with herself, the only one
who cared.
That sad girl,
who isn't so little at all,
is finally grown up enough
to know
She was right the whole time.


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  • 11 years ago

    by Midnight Sky

    Awesome writing on this one really felt it.

    • 11 years ago

      by Julia Helyanwe

      I just wrote it, and it's honestly my favourite.
      Thank you