This is me

by Crimson   Feb 5, 2014

That was me,
The girl dancing through the flowers
More graceful then a swan
That was me,
Singing like an angel
Being told I have potential
That was me
Running and laughing with all my friends
Like its the last day we spend together
That was me
Making my family proud
Winning races and competitions

Then I changed
Then it was me
Hiding in empty classrooms to avoid work
Feeling like a prisoner of my own world
Then it was me
Watching girls laughing together
Like their world was perfect
Then it was me
Trading sexual favors for drugs
Only 13 but yet my words
Could get me everywhere
Then it was me
All by myself
Not a shoulder to cry on
All driven away by a monster

That was then and this is now,
This is me
Drowning in school work
Pretending I have it under control
This is me
Feeling all the gusts of wind
As it rattles my frail body
This is me
All chained to a bed
Needles and tubes all around
I'm conversation topic rather then a person
This is me
Grasping on to a relationship
That pains both of us to stay in
But too fragile to leave
This is me
Empty eyes
Sunken face
Shaking hands
Blue lips
Barely living
This is me
Dying by choice
But fighting to live
This is me
A shuddering oxymoron
A 15 year old
Who can fit into 9 year old clothing
This is me
I am nothing but a series of problems


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Latest Comments

  • 10 years ago

    by LoneWolf

    This poem is great. Your past is so harsh it has left you broken, dying. Whenever I read this I feel a person with a heart so tender yet so broken. I'm sorry

  • 10 years ago

    by mazzy star

    Strong, powerful with deep meanining and emotions.
    Overall, a contest winning poem.

  • 10 years ago

    by Amberinaa

    This is really sad, I feel like I was once in that position. Beautiful piece! I promise you though, things do get better darling, keep that chin up!! xo

  • 11 years ago

    by don

    Omg what an awsome write, brilliant raw, powerfull and so sad and emotional, it bleeds pain, my heart goes out to you girl


  • 11 years ago

    by Rebecca Bentley

    Very deep but meaningful piece. i have been that person, maybe not to this extent but i can somewhat relate.
    writing brings a release unknown to an outsider and i can feel the pain.
    if this is you then keep strong, talk to someone be brave, no-one can help if you dont help yourself.
    you can change, and i believe that with the right help you will.
    good piece 5/5