Comments : This is me

  • 11 years ago

    by Rebecca Bentley

    Very deep but meaningful piece. i have been that person, maybe not to this extent but i can somewhat relate.
    writing brings a release unknown to an outsider and i can feel the pain.
    if this is you then keep strong, talk to someone be brave, no-one can help if you dont help yourself.
    you can change, and i believe that with the right help you will.
    good piece 5/5

  • 11 years ago

    by don

    Omg what an awsome write, brilliant raw, powerfull and so sad and emotional, it bleeds pain, my heart goes out to you girl


  • 10 years ago

    by Amberinaa

    This is really sad, I feel like I was once in that position. Beautiful piece! I promise you though, things do get better darling, keep that chin up!! xo

  • 10 years ago

    by mazzy star

    Strong, powerful with deep meanining and emotions.
    Overall, a contest winning poem.

  • 10 years ago

    by LoneWolf

    This poem is great. Your past is so harsh it has left you broken, dying. Whenever I read this I feel a person with a heart so tender yet so broken. I'm sorry