The Day That Our Love Died

by Brandon Evans   Jul 4, 2004

A pair of innocent youths,
virgin minds and hearts.
Great passion for one another
is how our story starts.

I met her back in high school;
she had the sweetest face.
I'd stare into her marvelous eyes
and long for her embrace

Her smile was a beacon,
a shining ray of light.
Bringing passion to my heart,
emotions taking flight.

With the voice of a holy goddess,
and the essence of one too.
She pledged to me her heart
and whispered “I Love You”

It was the happiest day of my life,
when I heard those beautiful words
They echoed through my soul
like the song of freewheeling birds

I reached out and touched her hand
sharing feelings of perpetual bliss
Our lips trembled oh so gently
as we shared our very first kiss

Throughout our school career
we became the best of friends
We had no fear of fighting
for we knew our love transcends

On the eve of her 17th birthday
it was a cold and bitter night
We sat and talked for hours
engulfed in candle's light

Soft kisses and touches
accompanied whispers in ears
Our clothing fell like rain
we knew we had no fears

Sharing our hearts and bodies
two restless lovers as one
Passionate sighs gave way to moans
till time let rise the sun

Holding her in my arms
watching her slip into slumber
I knew our love was forever
nothing could ever encumber

Though as weeks continued to pass
my lover became ill and riled
Test results returned positive
she was carrying my child

Full of youthful ignorance
I gave an approving nod
It was a symbol of our love
truly a gift from God

If only the choice were up to us
we had the perfect future
Her parents stepped in to take control
leading us to our torture

“We won't let you throw your life away!"
"Don't waste your potential on him!”
Hatred stewing deep in their hearts
condemning our premarital sin

Under constant family pressure
her ideals would finally contort
Giving in to their malicious demands
our baby she did abort

Several years have passed
yet memories of her still remain
I wonder if things had been different
would I still feel the same?

So many times I have drowned
in rivers of tears I've cried
I follow their current deep in my heart
to the day that our love died.


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  • 18 years ago

    by xo kisses xo

    Omg...that is a great are really talented...and that must have come straight from you heart. i'm really sorry about you and your girl...i hope that one day everything will work out

  • 20 years ago

    by sarah k

    holy sh*t! that poem is so amazing! wow! its so sad! its just filled with so much emotion! you are truly and amazing poet! i gave you a well deserved 5 wishing i could only vote higher.

  • 20 years ago

    by TattooedPierced

    I really liked this poem. Gave it a **5**. Keep up the good work. Maybe someday if you were meant to be you will se her again. If you have time please check out some of my poems and possibly rate them and comment on them. Thanks. Much Love. Keep up the great writing.

  • 20 years ago

    by nikki

    that poem was just...... so...... i'm speechless, it was so perfect, and it really captured the extreme feelings of love and the pain that comes with abortions, one of my best friends got pregnant to the guy she loved when she was 15 and they both wanted it because it really felt to them like it was a symbol of their love, like you said, and their parents tried to force her to have an abortion, and she wouldn't, and the guys parents moved a state away so that they couldn't see each other, but now they are 18 and they have moved in together and they are getting married and raising their kid, anyways i really loved your poem, great work!

  • 20 years ago

    by Vanessa

    I am just another one who will compliment you on your work. Maybe you wont even find the time to read this simple compliment coz of the many critiques out here to compliment your work.... so... just for my conscience to shut up...Good work...

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