Comments : The Day That Our Love Died

  • 20 years ago

    by Danielle

    I don't think anyone would think that poem would "suck" was awesome and i loved how you used a broader range of vocabulary than most poets....most of them sound cliche but you turned something that could be extremely stressful that people want to forget about to something memorable...awesome job.

    if you have time could you comment on some of mine? search for "a stolen life" "frozen fire" or "no one's left"

  • 20 years ago

    by juss an allycat


    This is the first time I'v commented on a poem and I think your was truly amazing. You have real potential and I love your choice of words. Your poem touched me and I know It will touch many others.

    xxoo, Alysse

  • 20 years ago

    by Debbs

    wow that poem really touched my heart it was also very sad to know that she had to abort the child

  • 20 years ago

    by PnQ Mod Account

    Very awesomely written poem. My sympathies to you and the girl for your loss. It was awful of the parents to force her into something that will stay with her forever.You did an excellant job of recounting that experience. Keep up the great work!

  • 20 years ago

    by Amy!! You've got such incredible talent! I know I've said that a couple times, but that's only cuz it's so very true! This poem, just like all your others, has left me!

  • 20 years ago

    by Liquid_Void

    Man i am sorry for that.... great job tho.. writing with the heart and soul....
    stunning stuff

  • How could you say it sucks. It is such a beautiful poem though it is filled with grief. I am sorry for what ever happened. I don't agree with abortion at all. YOur poem did narate the experience very well. The words were good. Your usual style was changed a bit, may be to give stress for the story. Still you deserve 5. Love, Trincy.

  • 20 years ago

    by Melissa

    Your poem was amazing. You have so much talent and passion in your writing. I can releate to the love story side of it. It was beauiful.

  • 20 years ago

    by Brandon Evans

    Thank you all for your wonderful comments and support.

    Yes, it was a very hard thing to get over, but I was finally able to. This happened a little over 5 years ago now. Even though it's still sad, it's not anywhere near the sadness I felt back then. That's what I tried to capture with this piece. The full array of feelings that we shared together, from complete happiness to the complete opposite.

    Said it before, I'll say it again... Time heals all wounds, but memories last forever...

    Thanks again everyone!

  • 20 years ago

    by Nicole Maree

    Tha was a truly touching poem. Your love sounds very pure and that is a sad thing that happened. Keep up the poems, you have a true talent

  • 20 years ago

    by Liquid_Void

    good luck man.... and sorry

  • 20 years ago

    by Shannon

    wow... unbelievable. the articulate words that you chose and the passion you write from is amazing. keep up the excellent work. i loved it

  • 20 years ago

    by ~*ErYkUh*~

    Oh My Goodness, your poem is so good....I gave it a 5 ofcourse, keep writing. Buh bye

  • 20 years ago

    by lostnloveless15


  • 20 years ago

    by Vanessa

    I am just another one who will compliment you on your work. Maybe you wont even find the time to read this simple compliment coz of the many critiques out here to compliment your work.... so... just for my conscience to shut up...Good work...

  • 20 years ago

    by nikki

    that poem was just...... so...... i'm speechless, it was so perfect, and it really captured the extreme feelings of love and the pain that comes with abortions, one of my best friends got pregnant to the guy she loved when she was 15 and they both wanted it because it really felt to them like it was a symbol of their love, like you said, and their parents tried to force her to have an abortion, and she wouldn't, and the guys parents moved a state away so that they couldn't see each other, but now they are 18 and they have moved in together and they are getting married and raising their kid, anyways i really loved your poem, great work!

  • 20 years ago

    by TattooedPierced

    I really liked this poem. Gave it a **5**. Keep up the good work. Maybe someday if you were meant to be you will se her again. If you have time please check out some of my poems and possibly rate them and comment on them. Thanks. Much Love. Keep up the great writing.

  • 20 years ago

    by sarah k

    holy sh*t! that poem is so amazing! wow! its so sad! its just filled with so much emotion! you are truly and amazing poet! i gave you a well deserved 5 wishing i could only vote higher.

  • 18 years ago

    by xo kisses xo

    Omg...that is a great are really talented...and that must have come straight from you heart. i'm really sorry about you and your girl...i hope that one day everything will work out