Surrounded my monsters
Whispering into my head
Looking around they laugh
Smirking, pointing at the tears I shed
How confusing for they once smiled
And whispered sweet nothings into your ear
Love me, show me, dare to show how much they care
Sweet nothings are long gone
Left holding the bag once was overflowing
Now emptied by lost dreams and broken promises they once filled
Fear not, hold not
For hope isn't all lost
My voice carries strong and loud
Overpowers, screams, echoes back
Fills that bag of new dreams
By the tens, hundreds and thousands
The monsters may laugh
Go ahead I say
as my voice conquers the hurt and pain
Conquer all, become whole
Feel my love
I squash those once big monsters pain
Give up, fear not
Look the other way
Hope's not lost
As I feel no pain
You can't touch me now,
Little monsters
Try and see
All your hurt I give back,
I now laugh
Now I see
Let it be
is my warning to you
Here it loud and clear
Little monsters oh so frail
Stop I say
Stop your monstrous ways
As you can't find the way
Back to my beautiful heart
Never, ever again