There was a certain taste to life
I've often thought of myself as privileged
Not for my wealth but for my lifestyle
My circumstance
I needed the world to be mine
To shape things to my desire
I never could conquer death
so I had to take my chances with mortality
A crimson conflict Color I could only understand
Those who related often like companions fought with me
We seeked a purpose greater than history itself
One we could forge with weapons and ideals
We wanted the power to change the world
While all along our journey lead us to ruin
There was an Eden we dreamed of
A fantasy we put in steel and smiles
We were exceptions to all that the world was
Our defiance defined us
A mere faction
They called us fools reaching for the impossible
I was a queen covered in red
A battlefield where my dreams rest in beds
A sword I've neither drawn nor sheathed
Cries I've yet to cry
For those who called me there queen...
"My life, my life has got to be like this, it's got to keep going on." - Jay Gatsby-