You don't want to give anyone, anything,
Your heart, your time, your trust,
Unless you've grown lonely,
As long as they don't expect much in return.
Even then, beggars at your door,
Thrown bits you dont use anymore,
Shown pieces of who you only wish you were,
And sometimes pretend to be.
You strengthen the resolve of your ego,
On the death of selflessness,
You live in the stars,
Blind to the stars that live in the eyes of those who love you.
There is no wonder for you in the flesh,
Just self gratification,
The "rebel" that wraps himself in safety,
Never fully giving over to anything or anyone.
You fill words with love,
But take no action,
You draw lines through emotion,
Defacing the art that is us.
Maybe you dont want to feel,
What is true, warm,
To be a part of something, someone,
Outside of yourself.
It is easier to hurt someone than love them,
To be indifferent rather than understanding,
Understanding involves personal growth,
But why grow when you can stand still and petrify.
Forever frozen in your own misguided truths,
As though there is nothing beyond there,
Mistaken as the shining light of righteousness,
The burning fire of lonely death.