Your all I ever wanted

by Nicole Latham   Feb 17, 2014

When we first met
We had a fairytale love
I fell for you hard
You were like my drug
I don't know what it was
Your smile?
Your stare?
All I can say is
I'm glad you were there

The day you moved in
The dark path was our sin
Your transformation started
Little did I know
I'd be broken hearted

Our fairytale love was gone
Where did it go?
My heart was dying
I just wish you would know

I talk
And scream
But still you don't understand
You just won't listen
I'm begging you please
My heart is trapped in a prison

You say you still love me
You say you still care
But the love in your eyes
Is no longer there

You point out girls
"They're so pretty"
"Look how they dress"
But I'm not them
I don't wear make up
My hair is always a mess
You point out my flaws
You make me feel ugly
I am who I am
Why won't you just love me?

"Get over yourself"
" That was yesterday"
"I said I'm sorry
Now make your tears go away"

"Your only acting like this
To look for attention"
"You know I still love you"
"Its something I shouldn't have to mention"

I cry
Yet you still won't listen
That fairy tale man
Is the glue my heart is missing


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  • 11 years ago

    by Midnight Sky


  • 11 years ago

    by Midnight Sky

    Loved this poem alot my friend

    • 11 years ago

      by Nicole Latham

      Thank you. I wrote it for my husband. He didn't care for it but it got my point across and hrs been working harder on not doing some of what's mentioned

  • 11 years ago

    by Midnight Sky

    This is a lovely poem i enjoyed the read

  • 11 years ago

    by Postguied Parnell

    This makes you the kinda sad that you've been waiting to feel for a very long time. So I guess there is.

  • 11 years ago

    by Nicole Latham

    Thank you

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