Can you understand her?

by Karla   Feb 18, 2014

She doesn't want to bet clothes
or four people around here.
i see the simplicity of her mind
and how akward she might be
as she thinks about the face
she can't touch and the eyes
she can't see.

once i thought she would lose
herself to the night as the stars
abandoned her eyes but
she is so instense
and needs the illusion
of something higher to go on
living like a poem written
on a toilet wall or the hope
of becoming a better person.

she is a strange creature,
crawling here and there,
crushed by the things
she wants passionately
to live. but she knows not
what she is looking for.
i look at her, mesmerized
by her intelligence and stupidity
and her paradoxes are fuel
when nothing else can answer
morpheus or aphrodite.

she is dying slowly
and i can't even pray for her:
my religion doesn't permit me
such a kindness.
she is hanging between
two storms. i expect her
to tumble at any moment
but i feel if she falls,
it will be within herself:
a wonder still bubbles in her soul.

Karla Bardanza


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  • 11 years ago

    by Midnight Sky

    Bravo here enjoy it deeply :)

  • 11 years ago

    by Beautiful Soul

    Hi miss Karla. This poem really spoke to me because of the hidden message behind the words. I thought the title was very interesting because when I read the poem I thought it could be about the person you are inside. Or even the person you were in your past. Because you can see yourself when other's just see you on the outside. It's hard to show people who you "really" are. We always treat ourselves badly but there is such kindness in others. Overall this poem is fantastic to show the message of how humans really are. We hold sadness inside our soul when we show our happiness to others. Holding onto what we haveto not have others judge us. I really liked the second stanza when you said touch the night sky for that could be a mmetaphor for the world you live in. I loved the simplicity of your poem but I saw the sadness tone through out. Beautiful write. Nominated!

  • 11 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    Great write