
by Meme   Feb 18, 2014

When the demons crept into
the little corner of my heart I
knew it was time to surrender
to the darkness.

Why fight in fear when it is
easier to give in?

Let those nightmares shape
me into the beast that I always
felt within. Perhaps then those
skeletons I've always kept locked
in my closet could be set free.

So what if I savored the taste of
bitterness above it all? Maybe I
am the monster not the prey; the
orchestrator of shadows that blinded
the human standing in front of you..

I was never the rescuer; can't you see?

Be careful not to fall, because I can
only drag you down. So deep that
your soul would be tainted with my
blood, and each breath you take
would become a craving for me..

..until you become nothing
and everything
just mine!

© Copyright 2014 by: gIrL


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  • 10 years ago

    by silvertung69

    Grate write. It's dark and spoke directly to
    that piece of lost darkness within me ...thank you

  • 11 years ago

    by PorcelainMoon

    I love your writing.

  • 11 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Whooaaa....loving this actually... I think the message here , well not even message, but the topic of the poem is lost identity, confusion. Sometimes we think the other person is the problem, when really it is us. And all along we thought we were saving someone but our ignorance blinded us, we were really dragging them down...so many people are in this situation and don't realize their negativity or bad attitude can come across as basically the monster, not the victim.

    Nice touch of darkness here, I enjoyed it.

    • 11 years ago

      by Meme

      Thanks a lot Chels!

  • 11 years ago

    by Beautiful Soul

    Boom! This hits you really hard. The darkness is wonderful here and the title fit with the poem well. I didn't expect anything like this. The way you used skeletons in the closet is great. The question of the second stanza I liked Because it is easier to give up then fight. You can't see in the dark at all so I liked how you say fight. There is no light so you can't see what the demons are doing. There is a very lonely tone to this yes. But it seens like the demons are your only friends. The story enfolds nicely I think. At the start you fight but by the end you embrace and welcome them. The twust is lovely and I like the space between each line at the end. Tbey are now yours. Beautiful write

    • 11 years ago

      by Meme

      Thanks :)

  • 11 years ago

    by HappieMappie

    I really got sucked into this poem. I like the dark feeling it gives off as well as intriguing. I only love the way you wrote the title. Nice work.