Lessons Learned

by NiXiT   Feb 21, 2014

You thank me for thinking you are beautiful and I thank God for every time you get too close. And even though I know you're not mine, I mostly misinterpret mundane signals and am just glad that we have the time to sit around and learn each others lessons because I don't have much to teach but I have always loved to listen.

And I suspect you don't feel the same and a sickening feeling slips into my brain, knowing that I was shaken to my core and you simply feel so alone that maybe I am just better than nothing, or at best, better than sleeping alone.

©2014 Nikk Settell (NiXiT)


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  • 11 years ago

    by Trinity Heart

    Awh my heart goes to you this is a sad one but I do love that you have time to talk it over with that person :) 5/5


    • 11 years ago

      by NiXiT

      Thank you for reading and enjoying. I love your work as well after reading it and you have a fan in me.