Meeting his Parents

by CountlessMoments   Feb 23, 2014

Today was the day
The day I met his parents
I wasn't expecting it
I was totally embarrassed

As we enter his house
I knew from then
I wanted to get out
But their was no other route

I wish I didn't come in
but it was too late
I was in front of his door
so shame, I starred at the floor

I couldn't look straight ahead
knowing I will come across his family
I was point blank in the head
But I managed to suck it up instead

As I stare in front of me
I could hear footsteps getting closer and closer
First one out the Hallway
I felt as if I needed to get away

The first face I seen
His nephew it was
He smiled at me, oh so handsome
and then came his mom

I must say I was terrified
but once I met her
I never felt so comfortable
I felt like I've known her

I then met his whole family
Meeting them one by one
I still felt a bit shy
but they made me feel so welcomed

I guess the scenarios in my head
we're the worst scenarios I could think of
because when I met his family,
I literally felt all the Love.


M.IOKEPA.K - Met his parents for the first time yesterday February 22, 2014 :)


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  • 11 years ago

    by Midnight Sky

    Congrats my friend that is a mile stone & i love how you put the day i could see it in my mind p&l midnight sky

    • 11 years ago

      by CountlessMoments

      Heheh why thank you my friend :) It's something from the top of my head!