
by Michael D Nalley   Feb 24, 2014

There was a site I can't say the name
where you had to play their game
The moderators hated left wing drama
Members got suspended for praising Obama
The right wing were so protected
All other views were just rejected
Eye for an eye tooth for a tooth
are we too blind to taste truth?
Without freedom some birds will die.
Does it not take both wings to fly?


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  • 11 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    Wow Michael this is deep. Two wrongs don't make it right and me personally never did believe in eye for an eye. Honestly who wants to hear the truth, it does hurt. Now if certain ones do express their view they get a touch of rejection. How can a whole nation, this whole world live in peace, if two people can't even manage to do so.
    I love this piece, well done

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