Starlit Situations

by NiXiT   Feb 24, 2014

I wish I'd never seen you and I wish you'd never met me. Your sweet shimmering silhouette has swallowed me completely. And I have always been a sucker for starlit situations, a stupid sanguine schoolboy when all is said and done.

So fall into my waiting arms and feel my fading heart, rejuvenated and resilient but this all just feels so hard and I wish that I could change your mind, a different kind of sweet embrace, where every sign of pain and every love torn line has drifted away.

©2014 Nikk Settell (NiXiT)


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  • 11 years ago

    by LittleMsPink

    This is really sad yet beautiful, i really like it and nice choice of words, 5/5 :)