Good Friends

by Jaymi Lynn   Feb 26, 2014

If Sun be birthed by Day in sky and wishing ceased to end,
I'd find that dreams be more than real and know where love began.
Since I know not and clues be scarce, like lovers through the years,
I'd look to Moon with star-lit eyes to vanquish old-time fears.
But ash be dark and bedded still beneath her Lady's bed,
And it is learnt that dreams and ash,
Both Sun and Moon, be Heaven's closest friends.
Embrace thy foe; so both have done for past is finally past;
Pray I become good friend as well, indeed, if I shall last.


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  • 11 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    I always love, and envy, the talent of the way you word this, like the older style language of poetry. I cannot describe it, but it flows in such a different way, and really does make the poem quite different from the others on this site.

    I enjoyed this. Well done.

    • 11 years ago

      by Jaymi Lynn

      I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the positivity!