The Midnight Sky

by Karla   Feb 26, 2014

There is a rainbow
crossing the midnight sky
and the colors spread against
the walls, enveloping
the silent flowers peacefully.

the halo of the moon
call many things to my mind
as i sit cooling beneath it
to be lulled by the sound
of the night.

alone i remain;
my shadow walking home,
looks back, penetrating
the now as if
it could survive eternity
and for a couple of minutes,
the midnight sky
listens to my tears
accumulating the things
of the past.

Karla Bardanza


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  • 10 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    What a Beautiful nature poem this is here!
    Karla has touched base and highlighted the true and breathtaking elegance of the moon and all its glory!
    I admire her writing and her spirit and love for nature is captured within each line of this poem!
    The format is creative and unique, giving it that special Karla pizazz!
    Lovely piece!!!

  • 10 years ago

    by Biancas Veil

    Surrounded by Nature is a calming place to think on life and all it's emotions, love this poem

  • 11 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Wow, I really enjoyed this Karla, it has so many tones inside it, of reflection, of calm, of loneliness, of life!

    I love the nature theme throughout and your description, and of course, any poem which has the mention of a rainbow in it, is clearly great ;)

  • 11 years ago

    by Beautiful Soul

    This is really beautiful Karla. Here I loved how you took a moment in time and made such a vivid imagery poem. I think what you are saying here is that no matter what there is a rainbow in the darkest of skies. The wording here is beautiful as well. The words you describe the imagery with is fantastic. the halo of the moon is my favorite line. There is a sadness throughout and I believe here that nature is your comfort. When we are sad it's the simplest of things that can be our friends. Anyways this is a beautiful write overall. :)

  • 11 years ago

    by Midnight Sky

    Wow loved this from the title to the end of it beautiful well i saw it in here heartfelt emotion karla you are a talented & beautiful person this poem show's it fantastic job p&l midnight sky