I'm sorry

by Nicole Latham   Feb 26, 2014

I'm sorry I'm mean
I'm sorry I'm loud
Believe me it's not
Something that makes me proud

I'm sorry I'm distant
I'm sorry I'm cold
Sometimes I just wish
You would leave me alone

I'm sorry I cry
I'm sorry I'm alive
But I need you here
Please just understand my side

I'm sorry I'm aggressive
I'm sorry I'm a mess
I know it gets hard sometimes
But I need you to get my message

I'm sorry I threaten to leave
I need you please believe
If I wanted to go
I would've left by now
But I really need you near me

I'm sorry I'm no
Fairytale princess
To insecure to wear a dress
Even worse to wear a skirt
No doubt my hair is a frizzy mess
But you cruel words aren't needed
They just hurt

In sorry
For my insecurities
I used to believe I was pretty
I've been so run down
That every hurtful thing has just hit me

I'm sorry for my
Lack of trust
I do believe in you
Just need reassured
Your words & where about are true

I'm sorry I'm needy
Sometimes I just
Need to feel you need me

I'm sorry my past
Has left me with
So much baggage
But ive been through a lot
And its all
Part of my package

I'm sorry I'm me
Not what you could fore see
The picture isn't pretty
And you struggle to get me


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  • 11 years ago

    by Midnight Sky

    Frist nicole long but no need to worry i loved it sadness i saw your heart tear's drops from my eyes really sad & emotional i'm sorry that is the two words seem so hard to say your feelings was shared you should never say i'm sorry though for crying you get hurt you [cry] that is normal all lines heartbreaking great job peace&love midnight sky

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