by Midnight Sky
I like it it's sad love how you made the words flow sad you have a great talent my friend for poems this screams pain through out agian you see it here i don't how this much sadness can be put in words but you did it so congrats my friend always p&l midnight sky |
by Beautiful Soul
I think this works so well for a short lined stanza poem. The wording is very powerful and makes the poem work so well. this tells me that even though you smile and pretend to be happy you can see the world for howit really is. A llonely child is terrible but I think this touched me because I know what it's like to have nothing. It seems like this childs life has become shttered from the life they have lived or did live. They could be remembering their childhood as well. When someone is hurt no one wants to tell their secrets at all. I liked the ending a lot again for it ends a strong message well. I thought the rhyming worked so well here. You pinpointed the sadness well and did great to leave it through out. Very strong write saffie |
In certain cases we are the victims of our childhood. When you are a child you don't have a choice, children can't defend themselves. They become silent and secretive and burry it deep down. Until much later in life something or somebody will trigger it. Excellent written |