What can't be said

by Karla   Feb 27, 2014

She now denies the god
he brought out in her
as if the nights could be
immaculated and the days erased.
but the canvas where
she drew his desire
speaks words of cotton
and the void is immeasurable.

i wish she could understand
she is a human being
like you and me.
loneliness is a magical disaster:
we find pleasure and

she is trying to create a void
in herself to fill it up
with her own regret.
let the flames consume you.
they wouldn't hurt the past.

-we all want what you had
but just a few deserve.
things like those are too fragile
to speak of.-
(i know)

don't spare your heart.
love is not a due,
and do me a favour if you have time:
sing the beauty of feeling.
(and you felt it so courageously)

Karla Bardanza


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  • 10 years ago

    by Ole Carsten

    Karla you're a special poet.
    a bit of a playing here seeking punishment ?
    it really makes the mind up in gear.
    great poem

  • 11 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Congratulations my friend on the win. An emotional, honest poem, with an inspiration towards life, and how we live, and what we should forgive and forget in our pasts.

  • 11 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    Loneliness is a magical disaster:
    we find pleasure and

    ^^This part really stood out for me. Its true, loneliness is a magical disaster and without even realizing we do find pleasure as well as pain.

    An excellent write, as always. Congrats on the win!

  • 11 years ago

    by Beautiful Soul

    This is a damn good poem Karla. The metaphors are fantastic. I really don't know how to comment either. But I think you see or saw this person as more of a god because you loved them so very much. Love is so amazing that nothing can really be said about it. :) very beautiful Karla !! I think this is one of my favorites I've read from you

  • 11 years ago

    by DarkLight

    Loneliness is a magical disaster we find pleasure and punishment,this line got me thinking, what if there was no loneliness, will love still exist?