My true feelings

by misty lott   Feb 27, 2014

The way she looks at me and cries hurts
the one time i meet her i had butterflies in my stomach
when i cry she holds me tight around the waist
she plays with my hair because she knows i like it
i was just wondering
if she means the world
she makes your heart pound
shes in your head 24/7
you can tell her everything
you can look her in the eyes and say i love you is it love
is it real
she tells me everything she cant ever tell anyone
she told me her past
she told me she loved me
she held me
shes not afraid to say I'm i want to marry her i just don't know how to ask


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  • 11 years ago

    by Trinity Heart

    Is it love
    is it real
    ^ should be "This love is real" after you make it a new line :) and the little grammar here and there like it's "can't" not "cant" and please remember to put commas it makes it a tad prettier to know when the poet wants it to change sentence just saying sweetie anyways nice and beautiful emotional poem


    • 10 years ago

      by misty lott

      Thank you for reading it i was scared no one would

  • 11 years ago

    by Midnight Sky

    Sweet lovely poem