Don't Let Valentine's (Day) Rule You, Jump Into Life part 2

by CathyButterflyJC   Feb 28, 2014

Sometimes love hurts
It hurts so much
You wanna rip your heart from your chest
And you can barely breathe
You wanna throw your heart in a blender
End it
Because nothing can hurt more than this

Remember True Love takes it's time
My parents met in their thirties and have been together almost twenty years
My old English teacher married her high school sweetheart and they have been together twenty years
Love can come at any time
Any place
And for everyone

So just because you don't have a date for Valentine's Day
Remember you don't need someone to hold
When you now have more time to find that special someone
Not settle for someone who doesn't deserve nor appreciate you
And now you have time to search for what you really want
Follow your dreams and find who you were meant to be
Inspire somebody and make the difference I know you're capable of

Men and boys out there
When you find a special lady
Make sure to treat her right (or I'll come after you hehe)
Respect her
Give her your heart bit by bit
And when you think you've found the one for you make sure to open up to her

Women and girls everywhere
You don't need a man to be happy
They can be great but they can also get in the way
And they can take away the person you are
And that's special but when you do meet a guy you adore
A guy who loves you for you then don't hesitate to be romantic
Always be yourself and until you meet him look forward to when you do

Love is in the air this month
You can't help but think about it
But don't forget there is more to life and there is always next year
Accomplish your dreams and try establishing your dream home and job
Or go to the carnival without having to spend money on anyone else or having to worry about how you look
Man you're handsome no matter what and women you are beautiful in and out
Love is important but you also find it in friends!


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  • 11 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    Love happens when the least expected. There is this special person for everybody.
    Love suppose to be a two way street. And we all deserve to be loved
    Nice write

  • 11 years ago

    by Marvellous

    Never have you ceased to amaze me, through your works. Have really missed out on these. Indeed beautifully devised. Keep moving forward, in good works.