Comments : The Shine of the Rainbow

  • 11 years ago

    by Midnight Sky

    This is sad but really good i like how you use your emotions in here very sad and heartfelt good job

  • 10 years ago

    by Burning Angel

    Okay, i am having to read this and write at the same time just so i can talk about each paragraph.. First off, I love the beginning because since it is in the story format then i really was able to get into it.

    I got chills during the first paragraph because heartbreak can be such a strong thing. The letter indicates that she is so tired of being hurt and all the pain is finally to much for her to bear and she feels as though she is alone in this.

    The second paragraph just has so much... raw emotion. my Heart literally aches for the mother because she seems to be going through all this alone and she finally just shuts herself off from the entire world. the part about her dad being off at war really got to me because that is going to be something he is going to have to read in a letter or find out when he gets home. It makes the pain alittle worse while reading.

    The third paragraph really got to me because she is explaining how she is still in pain even though she is actually in heaven... And then you kind of have her mom feeling guilty because she feels as though she should have seen the signs and she wonders why she did not notice this "Dark Place" that her daughter was in.

    In the fourth poem, i broke down. There is so much emotion, so many unexplainable things that no one can really understand... At the funeral, everyone showed up and it kind of makes me feel as though people noticed and liked her but she was so lonely that she was unable to realize how much she was actually liked. her dad getting the letter and breaking down really hurts beacause i hate to see someone cry, espcially considering that this man was a solider and was such an amazing part in her life calling him "Her Hero". It kinda makes me wonder if maybe him being gone also maybe had an impact on how she was feeling. Maybe he feels alittle guilty for not being there?

    The very end of the poem gave me more chills and my heart lifted because she was finally able to show her mother that she was okay!

    This is an amazing write overall. the entire poem just had its way of messing with your emotions and making you wonder what is going to happen.

    • 10 years ago

      by HiddenScars

      Thank you so much!<3 all of that feedback means so much to me(: thank you again

  • 10 years ago

    by Trinity Heart

    This poem is really sad and beautiful

  • 10 years ago

    by Dragon Boy

    Yeah i was gonna say it's more like a story, but a good story, i was able to picture all you were saying, i liked the way you wrote it.. very good.. sad poem .. good job on it ..

  • 10 years ago

    by Dragon Boy

    Yeah i was gonna say it's more like a story, but a good story, i was able to picture all you were saying, i liked the way you wrote it.. very good.. sad poem .. good job on it ..

  • 10 years ago

    by LoneWolf

    This is beautiful. I feel like I can relate to it imagining that if I were dead. If I had passed on watching everybody suddenly care about me. I've visioned things like this and it's not a pleasant thing to think about. It all ends with a spark of happiness and I like that