
by Poet on the Piano   Mar 8, 2014

I would rather the truth prompt a war,
then helplessly witness
tyrants steer the ship of our country
into pseudonymous waters-
while wrists are bound and
teeth clench rope.

Why would I desire protection
while traveling 'cross borders,
when gas masks are already
tightening around my

I am an individual.
I left my family in good health and memories,
tucking them back into security that has always
served as an illusion.
I cannot live the next eighty years content,
living the profane.
I belong to God's army.
He is the only one tied to me and he is untouchable.
So kidnap me, twist my tongue until
I cannot move for your will is not my own.
Unless I die a slave and drown myself
centuries beneath your rule,
I will not be emancipated.

But this heart still resists...
why did paper and pen ever matter
when you haven't examined my neurons,
haven't been welcomed into my soul;
who needs written legacies
when my body will be discovered
years from now,
by your child's child
who is worshiping our leader
by day
and escaping through the gates
by night,
to embrace the people
whose voices write and words speak

until their bodies vanish from alleyways
and their names deny public records
and their relics burn their beloved.

Until the crucifixes they bled for
are made manifest through fidelity,

and there is revolution, still.

- Written 3/8/14 @ 12:51 AM
- by writing "living the profane", I was referencing the view of sociological reductionist Emile Durkheim who was known to use the term "the sacred" vs. "the profane" in describing society- "the sacred" as something specific, worthy to be respected while "the profane" was the ordinary, routine parts of life.


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  • 10 years ago

    by Midnight Sky

    I like this piece although i felt something was missing i don't what maybe it was how i keep wanting more of it but i did like the read it had a strong voice behind it i just wish more was told that's all but good job my friend peace&love midnight sky

  • 10 years ago

    by Everlasting

    Everytime, i read one of your poems, i keep thinking that writing in stanzas is restricting you of your potential.

    I feel prose will suit your style. i mean prose is not always dull. Its i guess changing. And i feel that if you write it in prose. Your ideas will have more room to be tighten well together. the reason i say this, might be a personal taste, but everytime i finish reading OnE stanza and i go into the next one, I have this feeling like I want that stanza to continue. As if it was a paragraph. You have the voice that draws me in, and I like that so much. I also like how you create imagery while sticking to your topic.

    • 10 years ago

      by Poet on the Piano

      Thanks for the advice Luce! I do see your point. I've written prose before, mostly when I went to get ideas done first and it's sometimes easier both with flow and formatting lines. Sometimes it does end too abruptly and I don't allow all my thoughts to be fully realized. I was actually thinking about journalism last night, censorship in China and other countries since I'm doing that for my research paper so I saw it first as a "post" or reflection on censorship. Might do some more prose in the future... thanks for the suggestion/encouragement